Any Grads Want to Join a BrokerDealer? These Banks Want You!


If you or your college grad who you just financed 4 years of college for has yet to secure that sought-after Wall Street job, profiles 9 different types of people that Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan and Morgan Stanley are looking to hire at this point in the year. Here is what said:

1. Goldman Sachs wants private wealth management and fund management professionals

2. Sachs wants technology professionals in Warsaw

3. Sachs wants derivatives clearing professionals in London and Warsaw

4. J.P. Morgan wants ‘client rationalization’ professionals in London

5. Morgan wants associates for its London investment banking team in London

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6. J.P. Morgan wants someone to join a new team working on ‘VaR methodology’ in London

7.  Morgan Stanley wants a cyber intelligence analyst in Glasgow

8. Stanley wants over the counter collateral analysts in Glasgow

9. Morgan Stanley wants top university graduates for glorified data monitoring and presentation roles

If you’re interested in getting into contact with one of these broker dealers, click provides a global database of broker-dealers registered in the US as well as those performing brokerdealer services in upwards of 30 major countries throughout the world. -


Goldman Gets Gritty: Silicon Valley-Style Scheme To Extend Online Consumer Loans


The world’s most famous brokerdealer and investment bank is breaking from its long tradition of serving only the biggest with the most bucks and according to the NYT, is plotting to launch an online consumer lending business. 

Soon, Goldman will offer loans online to both consumers and to small businesses as it looks to tap into a marketplace worth nearly $850 billion. The new unit will offer the loans through a website or an app — functioning like a virtual bank in one of the oldest companies on Wall Street. Without the costs of bank branches and tellers, Goldman can lend the money at lower interest rates while still making a profit. The company hopes to be ready to make its first loans next year.

It’s a big change for Goldman’s business model — before, the only people who could obtain a loan from the bank were its high-net-worth clients.

Goldman can establish a consumer lending business now because it converted from being an investment bank into a bank holding company during the financial crisis.  It also allowed Goldman the opportunity to interact more directly with consumers.

Goldman Sachs did not comment when asked about their business plan explored by this New York Times’ story. 

BrokerDealer Gives Back; $20k Pledge Presented to Semper Fi Fund

mischler team semper fi fund twtr

BrokerDealer Gives Back and Pays It Forward; Mischler Financial’s Memorial Day Pledge Yields $20k for Semper Fi Fund

Mischler Financial Group, Inc., the institutional brokerage and investment banking boutique, and the securities industry’s oldest firm owned and operated by Service-Disabled Veterans presented a check this week to Semper Fi Fund in the amount of $20,000 as a follow-on to the firm’s previously announced “Memorial Day Month” pledge.

Mischler Prez Doyle Holmes (l), Semper Fi Fund VP Wendy Lehtin (c), Mischler CEO Dean Chamberlain (r)

Mischler Prez Doyle Holmes (l), Semper Fi Fund VP Wendy Lehtin (c), Mischler CEO Dean Chamberlain (r)

According to Mischler CEO Dean Chamberlain, a U.S. Military Academy alumni and a certified Service-Disabled Vet (SDV), “Our ongoing mission throughout our now, twenty-year history has always been to provide Fortune Treasury and investment management clients with stand-apart capital markets services and by extension, to pay back and pay it forward by sharing the benefits of our success with organizations that are dedicated to supporting service-disabled military veterans and their families in the most productive ways.”

Added Chamberlain, “Semper Fi Fund is exactly the type of organization that we are honored to align with and we’re thrilled that so many of our clients rallied behind our trading desks to express their support of this month-long fund raising initiative.”

The Semper Fi Fund, and its program America’s Fund, provide immediate financial assistance and lifetime support to post 9/11 wounded, critically ill and injured members of all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, and their families, ensuring that they have the resources they need during their recovery and transition back to their communities.

Since its 2004 formation led by a group of Marine Corps spouses, Semper Fi Fund has provided more than 93,500 grants, totaling more than $109 million in assistance to over 14,000 of our heroes and their families. Recipients include qualifying post 9/11 Marines, Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, Coast Guardsmen, and reservists with amputations, spinal cord injuries, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), burns, blindness, other physical injuries, or those suffering from life-threatening illnesses. Semper Fi Fund also help spouses and children of active duty service members who face a life threatening illness or injury.

About Mischler Financial Group, Inc.

Mischler Financial Group is headquartered in Newport Beach, California with regional offices in Stamford, CT, Boston, MA and Chicago, IL. MFG is a federally-certified minority broker-dealer and a Service-Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise (SDVBE) that provides capital markets services, agency-only execution within the global equities and fixed income markets and asset management for liquid and alternative investment strategies. Clients of the firm include leading institutional investment managers, Fortune corporate and municipal treasurers, public plan sponsors, endowments, and foundations. The firm’s website is located at

Saudi Stock Market: We’re Open For Business-Sort Of..

open for business saudi stock market and the rest of the investing world have all eyes on the $580bil Saudi Arabia Stock Market as it opens its doors today to foreign investors for the first time. The initial opening will be restricted however; only foreign investment managers with at least $5bil AUM will be able to execute orders and no foreign investors can make bets on Saudi companies serving national security interests or operating in designated holy locations.


saudi stock marketAs reported by Traders Magazine John D’Antona Jr.,  In a move designed to bring more money into the Royal Kingdom and diversify the country away from its traditional oil industry and expose it to the international finance system, Saudi Arabia is opening its stock market to outsiders.

Currently, the country’s stock market, with a market cap of $580 billion – the biggest in the Middle East- is open only to large domestic institutional investors, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. Up until now, Saudi and select Gulf countries could buy and sell shares. Also, a limited amount of foreign investors who wanted exposure to the country’s companies could execute in the country but had to had to go through a Saudi regional broker dealer. Now, investors can go directly into the market and execute their orders.

The opening of the country’s market comes at a time where the Kingdom is looking to move away from an oil-centric economy – which lately has been battered by the low price of oil and weak global demand. Also, with a softening of the country’s Muslim conservative bent officials felt opening their country to foreign money would be more permissible.

As of today’s Saudi stock market opening, the Journal said that only large global institutional investors, with at least $5 billion in assets under management, can execute buy orders. This limited opening of the market is viewed as bringing only the very savvy and stable investors the market needs at this stage of its development.

And foreign participants are going to have limits – as they cannot invest in Saudi companies that are closely linked to the country’s national security interests or companies located in holy locales, such as Mecca.

“There are many reasons to open the market and to do it gradually, but liquidity is not one of them,” said Mohammed Aljadaan, president of the Capital Market Authority, to the Journal. The CMA regulates the stock market.

Piper Nabs Lauded Investment Bankers After Stifel Deal

0301247 blog update profiles that Piper Jaffray Cos. has hired a few top investment bankers from a company recently sold to Stifel Financial Corp. Bloomberg reports that the Minneapolis-based investment bank hired two Boston bankers: Bob Hutchinson and Daryle DiLascia from Sterne Agee Group, the financial services firm that Stifel bought last week. 

To find brokerdealers like these from Piper, click here. provides a global database of broker-dealers registered in the US as well as those performing brokerdealer services in upwards of 30 major countries throughout the world.

Stifel Chief Executive Officer Ron Kruszewski bought Sterne Agee to focus on businesses such as wealth management and bond trading. He struck a deal to sell Sterne Agee’s equities business to CRT Capital Group LLC.

So, the hiring of these bankers does not come to much a surprise after taking a look at the bigger picture. Bob Hutchinson–who received an MBA from Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business and a bachelor’s from Boston College–will lead a group dedicated to financial clients including insurers. Daryle DiLascia–who earned his MBA from Boston College and bachelor’s from Syracuse University–is joining to oversee capital markets for the same industry.

This blog update is courtesy of the Bloomberg Business’ article, “Piper Adds Investment Bankers as Stifel Deal Displaces Talent”. To read more, click here.