Former Boss of Bosses For BrokerDealers Joins Bitcoin Bandwagon; Ex-SEC Head Arthur Levitt Is on Board blog update courtesy of reporting from WSJ and other news outlets

Arthur Levitt, the longest-serving chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, is joining the advisory boards of two bitcoin-focused companies.

Frmer SEC Head Arthur Levitt, photo by Reuters

Frmer SEC Head Arthur Levitt, photo by Reuters

As an adviser to Atlanta-based BitPay, a bitcoin payment processor, and Vaurum, a Palo Alto-based bitcoin exchange for institutional investors, Mr. Levitt says he hopes to “help them understand the imperative of a robust approach to regulation” if bitcoin is to fulfill its promise to further shake up the world of finance. The appointments will be formally announced Tuesday.

Bitcoin is an independent digital currency in which transactions are verified by a network of computer owners and a universal payments ledger. The model strips out banks, credit card companies and other intermediary institutions from electronic payments and so aims to reduce costs in the system.

Mr. Levitt, who ran the SEC between 1993 and 2001 and who these days works in a variety of consulting roles, is one of the highest-profile members of the U.S. financial establishment to work in the digital-currency industry. In an interview, he said he was drawn to the sector by the innovative energy of the young people behind it, a group that he described as always “thinking beyond the box.”

“The intellectual firepower behind [bitcoin] enterprises is astonishing,” Mr. Levitt said. “But I think in terms of compliance and regulations, they are relatively immature.”

He said bitcoin needs regulation to build the trust of the broader population and boost adoption. Bitcoin firms “must have as their top priority a greater public understanding of what bitcoin is, how it works” and of the improvement it brings by “imposing competitiveness on establishment practices and procedures,” he added.

The BitPay and Vaurum appointments come at a crucial time for bitcoin. After it rallied 9100% against the dollar in the 12 months to December 2013, its price has since fallen by 70% from that peak, in part because of regulatory uncertainty.

From Russia With Love: BrokerDealer and Banker to Russia Billionaires

Andrey Akimov, photo courtesy of Simon Dawson/Bloomberg LP

Andrey Akimov, photo courtesy of Simon Dawson/Bloomberg LP blog update courtesy of extract from 24 Oct Bloomberg LP coverage by reporters Irina Reznik and Anna Baraulina

When he’s not cruising the streets of Austria in his gray Tesla Model S, Andrey Akimov can often be found behind a desk on the seventh floor of a nondescript office building just across the Moskva River from the Kremlin.

Two bullet-proof doors and one small sign are the only clues that this is the control center of a financier who’s helped turn some of Vladimir Putin’s closest allies into multibillionaires. For a man who honed his trade in the hushed back rooms of Vienna and Zurich during the Cold War and who is now, as friends say, the most secretive banker in a country run by a former spy, this is how it should be.

While Akimov, 61, hasn’t avoided sanctions against the lender he’s run for a dozen years, state-controlled OAO Gazprombank, Russia’s third largest, he has not been singled out personally. By contrast, billionaire Yuri Kovalchuk, the largest shareholder of Bank Rossiya, the 16th biggest, was blacklisted by the U.S. in its first round of penalties over the Ukraine conflict in March for being what the Treasury called a “cashier” for Putin. Akimov, who’s never appeared on a global rich list, owns about 0.2 percent of the bank, equal to $1.7 million of shareholder equity, company filings show.

Power Broker

Akimov occupies a key position in Putin’s intricate power system and the fact that few people know it is a tribute to his skill as a behind-the-scenes broker, said UBS AG (UBSN) Russia Chairman Rair Simonyan, who has known Akimov for decades. Simonyan, 67, joined UBS in January, after running Morgan Stanley (MS)’s Moscow office for 14 years and working as an adviser for eight months to OAO Rosneft (ROSN) Chief Executive Officer Igor Sechin, who was added to the U.S. blacklist in April.

“Andrey is able to maintain professional relationships with everyone in Putin’s inner circle and beyond, even though some of them won’t even talk to each other,” Simonyan said in an interview in Moscow. “These people accept his mediation, regardless of their attitudes toward each other.”

Akimov, a fluent speaker of English and, like Putin, German, has never given a media interview, according to Gazprombank’s press service. Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, declined to comment on the president’s relationship with Akimov.

“Andrey is a very, very secretive man, even for a banker,” Simonyan said. “And Gazprombank is a very Russian bank. Foreigners wouldn’t understand it.”

When Akimov took over Gazprombank in 2002, it was little more than a “piggy bank” for managers of the world’s largest gas producer, with less than $3.8 billion of assets, Simonyan said. Now it has $96 billion.

For the full article from Bloomberg LP, please click here

Former BrokerDealer Biz Dev Babe Charged With Sexual Harassment blog update courtesy of extract from muckracking outlet

According to lawsuits by two of her former subordinates, during her time as a senior vice-president and head of business development for North America, Eileen Hedges told another one of her subordinates, 27 year-old “Jane Doe,” to:

  • Dress provocatively on the job
  • “…have sex with male HSBC executives and clients at company-sponsored events”
  • Specifically, “have sex with an unnamed senior executive at the bank’s Mexico unit”
Eileen Hedges, Frmr SVP HSBC

Eileen Hedges, Frmr SVP HSBC

The boss of the year also allegedly:

  • “…falsely told co-workers that Doe was having sex with clients when they traveled to bank functions outside the U.S.”
  • “…told Doe about her own alleged extramarital affairs with HSBC executives.”1
  • “… attempted to pull down Doe’s blouse and expose her breasts in the presence of male HSBC employees.”

And the reason we now know all this is because, naturally, the subordinates who filed the lawsuits were (supposedly!) retaliated against by Hedges after complaining that her demeanor on the job was slightly less than professional.

For the full story, please visit


Europe’s BrokerDealers Battle For Role in New Bitcoin ETF blog update courtesy of

Coinfloor has revealed plans to launch a bitcoin exchange traded fund (ETF) and accept additional fiat currencies as part of its efforts to expand internationally.
Starting immediately, the UK-based bitcoin exchange is allowing customers to make deposits in US dollars, euros and Polish zloty, in addition to the British pound.

The company framed the move as a way for it to transition from a UK-only exchange to a global player in the wider market for bitcoin exchanges. Adam Knight, chairman and investor with the exchange, said: “By expanding to dollars, euros and zloty, we are expanding from a UK-only focus to an international one, delivering more value to our UK customers and growing our user base internationally.”

Amadeo Pellicce, CoinFloor’s chief operating officer, explained that the additional currencies were a logical choice for the exchange. “The XBT/USD pair is the most commonly traded pair, so our existing customers naturally have the demand to access the additional liquidity in that market, and we are expanding to euros to better service our European customers by supporting SEPA transfers,” he said.

While US dollars and euros would seem to support the company’s more global goals, the addition of Polish zlotys is perhaps less expected. However, it makes sense in light of its banking partnership – Coinfloor banks with Poland’s PKO Bank Polski, due to the ongoing reluctance of British banks to provide services for cryptocurrency-based companies.

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Biggest BrokerDealer Compliance Officer Charged In Insider Trading Case blog update courtesy of reporting by InvestmentNews.

InvestmentNewsThe Securities and Exchange Commission announced Wednesday that it was taking enforcement action against a former compliance officer at brokerdealer Wells Fargo Advisors who allegedly altered a document before it was provided to the SEC during its investigation into a former broker’s insider trading.

The charges stem from the case of Waldyr Da Silva Prado Neto, whose alleged scheme made more than $2 million from insider trades in Burger King Holdings Inc. stock ahead of an acquisition announcement on Sept. 2, 2010. )

The SEC said that after it charged Mr. Prado in September 2012, Judy K. Wolf, who was responsible for identifying potentially suspicious trading activity at broker-dealer Wells Fargo Advisors, went back and revised a 2010 report to make it appear that she had performed a more thorough review of Mr. Prado.

Initially, she had closed the report into Mr. Prado’s Burger King trades with “no findings” and did not notify any superiors of potential red flags, the SEC said.

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The SEC said in its action that Ms. Wolf should have reported multiple red flags that were noted, including that Mr. Prado and his customers represented the top four positions in Burger King Securities firmwide, he and his customers purchased the securities within 10 days of the announcement, made substantial profits and that he, his customers and the company acquiring Burger King were all Brazilian.

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