Major Exchange CEO: How Capital Markets Can Benefit Emerging Markets blog update courtesy of extract from op-ed section of 28 Sept edition of WSJ by NASDAQ OMX Group CEO Robert Greifeld:

Capital Markets Ride to the Third World Rescue

By Robert Greifeld

Sept. 28, 2014 6:59 p.m. ET

Bob Greifeld, NASDAQ OMX Group

Bob Greifeld, NASDAQ OMX Group

As political chaos and violence spread across the Middle East and North Africa, prospects for regional economic growth would appear to be the least of our concerns. That’s shortsighted. The eruptions of violence stem at least in part from a lack of transition planning following the wave of revolutions, ousters, coups and countercoups that swept the region, including failure to provide functional economic and financial institutions.

If the U.S. government and its allies don’t have a strategy for helping these and other countries emerge from conflict—or to mitigate future calamity elsewhere in the developing world—the private sector can help provide economic continuity. The capital market in particular is a crucial tool for growth and development because it provides long-term infrastructure, IT development and capital access for projects with widespread socioeconomic benefits such as roads, water and sewer systems, housing, energy, telecommunications and public transport.

Global capital markets also ensure an efficient and effective allocation of resources, reduce over-reliance on short-term financing for long-term projects, and encourage inflow of foreign capital.

Part of the appeal of capital markets is that they are fundamentally driven by “people power.” They democratize wealth by encouraging broader ownership of productive assets by small savers. The predictable, participatory nature of capital markets enables more people to benefit from economic growth and wealth distribution. And by every reliable measure, the equitable distribution of wealth is a key indicator of poverty reduction and stability.

According to the World Bank, economic stagnation and its attendant lack of social progress rank among the top grievances fueling poverty, disenfranchisement and conflict around the world. Yet wherever capital markets exist and thrive, we find the kind of productive, long-term investments that can inspire a cultural shift and give people a stake in the future of their countries.

Look at Sri Lanka. In 2010 the tiny island nation emerged from decades of traumatic civil war disunited and with widespread physical destruction. Yet in 2012, at the height of the global economic downturn, Sri Lanka posted 6.4% growth. Instrumental to its rapid economic growth was the Sri Lankan capital market. Raising long-term finance through the capital market has allowed large-scale reconstruction projects such as roads, highways, schools and other critical infrastructure to advance their economic ambitions. The country is healing, and the economic growth spurred by the capital markets is cementing a new national identity and promise for Sri Lanka.

Financial-market exchanges can also play a part in starting or fueling capital markets in “frontier” and emerging economies, moving from or on the brink of instability via an advisory or partner role. For instance, Nasdaq has helped develop and upgrade capital markets in countries like Colombia—which only a decade ago was riven by the violent drug trade—and Bahrain, which was a pioneer in recognizing the need for a modern, service-based economy. Continue reading

Dubai Hotel Company Plans To Go Public: BrokerDealer IPO news blog update courtesy of Bloomberg LP extract:

Emaar Properties PJSC (EMAAR), Dubai’s only listed developer to survive the property crash without an annual loss, plans to sell shares in its hotel business after its malls unit became the emirate’s biggest public offering since 2007.

The company will announce the hotel sale “in the next few months,” Chairman Mohamed Alabbar said at a conference in Dubai today, less than seven hours after Emaar said it raised $1.6 billion from the share sale of its malls unit. Alabbar declined to provide more details on the IPO.

These companies “reflect the true contributing sectors of Dubai’s economy,” Tariq Qaqish, head of asset management at Dubai-based Al Mal Capital PSC, said by phone from Dubai. Because of high occupancy levels and “proximity to malls, Emaar Hotels translates to solid revenue per room,” he said.

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Veteran-Owned Broker-Dealer Helps Raise $100k in Wounded Warrior SoldierRide blog salutes the 300+ cyclists who turned out Sept 27 in Lexington MA to raise over $100k on behalf of Wounded Warriors in the Boston #SoldierRide

A special commendation goes to securities industry veterans Joe Digiammo, Head of Equities for boutique firm Mischler Financial Group (the brokerdealer industry’s oldest firm owned and operated by service-disabled vets)  and Fidelity Investment’s portfolio manager Fergus Sheil.

Fidelity Investment Fergus Sheil (l) and Mischler Financial's Head of Equities Joe Digiammo (r)

Fidelity Investment Fergus Sheil (l) and Mischler Financial’s Head of Equities Joe Digiammo (r)


China Marts Offer Fortune Cookies As Trading Opens to Foreigners blog update to a story we’ve been covering for the past several months is courtesy of extract from 25 Sept NYT coverage from Alexandra Stevenson and Neil Gough.

Image courtesy of Yip/Reuters

Image courtesy of Yip/Reuters

O’Connor, the UBS-owned hedge fund with AUM of $5.6bil is just one of the financial industry firms ratcheting up their presence in Asia as China’s stock market prepares to open its doors to foreigners. Dealers have been hired by it from UBS’s proprietary trading desk and Singapore offices. In August, it hired John Yu, a former analyst at SAC Capital Advisors. But O’Connor is not alone.

Bankers, brokerdealer brokerage firms and hedge funds all have been gently expanding their Asian businesses to benefit from a single event: the largest launching into China.

China intends to join the Shanghai stock exchange to its counterpart in Hong Kong over the following month as part of an initiative announced by Premier Li Keqiang this year to open China’s markets to foreign investors that have been largely shut out. Continue reading

JOBS ACT Unintended Consequences: Already-Public Companies Reaching Out For More Cash blog update courtesy of extracts from the WSJ story “Rules Eased For StartUps Benefit Older Companies”

But another breed of company is angling to benefit from the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act: freely traded firms, a few of which have been operating for a long time.

Salon Media Group Inc., SLNM -21.05% a 19-year old financially fighting Internet media business, and Giggles N Hugs Inc., GIGL 21.28% a seven-year old food-and-play-space chain, are among dozens of publicly traded companies that have signaled they intend to solicit investors using the new independence in the JOBS Act. Both trade on the over-the-counter market, and auditors have raised worries about their capability to continue operations.

The businesses are seeking new investors using some of the JOBS Act that lets small-scale private businesses advertise to affluent people, known as “accredited investors,” changing an 80-year old “general solicitation” marketing prohibition designed to safeguard investors.

The companies’ use of advertising independence meant for young start-ups exemplifies how a surprisingly extensive array of players expect to obtain an advantage under the brand new law. “You can place it in the class of unintended effects,” says New York securities attorney Douglas Ellenoff, referring to using the JOBS Act by publicly traded firms. “The entire purpose” of the law “was to allow it to be simpler for private companies to raise money,” he adds. Continue reading