Any Grads Want to Join a BrokerDealer? These Banks Want You!


If you or your college grad who you just financed 4 years of college for has yet to secure that sought-after Wall Street job, profiles 9 different types of people that Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan and Morgan Stanley are looking to hire at this point in the year. Here is what said:

1. Goldman Sachs wants private wealth management and fund management professionals

2. Sachs wants technology professionals in Warsaw

3. Sachs wants derivatives clearing professionals in London and Warsaw

4. J.P. Morgan wants ‘client rationalization’ professionals in London

5. Morgan wants associates for its London investment banking team in London

Looking for a brokerdealer to submit your resume to?

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6. J.P. Morgan wants someone to join a new team working on ‘VaR methodology’ in London

7.  Morgan Stanley wants a cyber intelligence analyst in Glasgow

8. Stanley wants over the counter collateral analysts in Glasgow

9. Morgan Stanley wants top university graduates for glorified data monitoring and presentation roles

If you’re interested in getting into contact with one of these broker dealers, click provides a global database of broker-dealers registered in the US as well as those performing brokerdealer services in upwards of 30 major countries throughout the world. -


Saudi Stock Market: We’re Open For Business-Sort Of..

open for business saudi stock market and the rest of the investing world have all eyes on the $580bil Saudi Arabia Stock Market as it opens its doors today to foreign investors for the first time. The initial opening will be restricted however; only foreign investment managers with at least $5bil AUM will be able to execute orders and no foreign investors can make bets on Saudi companies serving national security interests or operating in designated holy locations.


saudi stock marketAs reported by Traders Magazine John D’Antona Jr.,  In a move designed to bring more money into the Royal Kingdom and diversify the country away from its traditional oil industry and expose it to the international finance system, Saudi Arabia is opening its stock market to outsiders.

Currently, the country’s stock market, with a market cap of $580 billion – the biggest in the Middle East- is open only to large domestic institutional investors, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. Up until now, Saudi and select Gulf countries could buy and sell shares. Also, a limited amount of foreign investors who wanted exposure to the country’s companies could execute in the country but had to had to go through a Saudi regional broker dealer. Now, investors can go directly into the market and execute their orders.

The opening of the country’s market comes at a time where the Kingdom is looking to move away from an oil-centric economy – which lately has been battered by the low price of oil and weak global demand. Also, with a softening of the country’s Muslim conservative bent officials felt opening their country to foreign money would be more permissible.

As of today’s Saudi stock market opening, the Journal said that only large global institutional investors, with at least $5 billion in assets under management, can execute buy orders. This limited opening of the market is viewed as bringing only the very savvy and stable investors the market needs at this stage of its development.

And foreign participants are going to have limits – as they cannot invest in Saudi companies that are closely linked to the country’s national security interests or companies located in holy locales, such as Mecca.

“There are many reasons to open the market and to do it gradually, but liquidity is not one of them,” said Mohammed Aljadaan, president of the Capital Market Authority, to the Journal. The CMA regulates the stock market.

SEC Appointment Of In-House Judge “Likely Unconstitutional”


Secruities and Exchange Commission could face potential problems after a federal court ruled that its appointment of an in-house judge to preside over administrative insider trading cases was “likely unconstitutional.” update profiles what could turn into a legal brouhaha as the SEC’s recent strategy to use internal arbitrators could prove to be a major conflict of legal interest, as U.S. District Judge Leigh Martin May’s decision Monday that the SEC may not have the authority to divert such cases from regular courts halted its action against a Georgia real-estate developer. Charles Hill was accused of profiting from trades made after he received a tip from a friend. He sued in Atlanta federal court to block the administrative action. provides a comprehensive global database directory with information for thousands of broker-dealer firms in more than 30 countries throughout the free market world.

The SEC has increasingly been using its five administrative-law judges to hear its cases, rather than sending them to federal court, legal experts said. Although the ruling was preliminary, and won’t necessarily be duplicated in other federal courts, it could have ramifications for other SEC cases and potentially other federal agencies.

The decision is the first by a federal judge to find the SEC’s in-house tribunal could breach the Constitution. Previous constitutional challenges to the SEC’s system of judges, based on different legal arguments, have been inconclusive or unsuccessful.

To read more, check out this article by the WSJ.

The First Crypto Corporate Bond Offering..aka Bitcoin Bond from Overstock

overstock crypto bond offering profiles retailer’s plan to issue the first crypto corporate bond deal using the technology that underlies cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin.

Below extract is courtesy of provides the world’s database of broker-dealers registered in the US as well as a comprehensive directory of non-US brokerdealers based in 30+ countries throughout the globe.

Last Autumn, the firm acquired a 25% stake in alternative trading system (ATS) PRO Securities as part of a long-term ambition to use the core blockchain technology to create a cryptosecurity trading system, in which computer algorithms are used to trade virtual stocks issued by public companies.The company is now scouting institutional investor interest in its first digital bond issues, which is powered by’s TØ.com technology – a name that refers to the fact that trades on the system securely settle the same day, as opposed to the T+3 convention on Wall Street.”The cryptorevolution has arrived on Wall Street,” says CEO Patrick Byrne. “We’re making it official by offering the world’s first cryptosecurity.”According to Byrne, issuing the TIGRcub bonds on the TØ.com platform proves that cryptotechnology can facilitate transparent and secure access to capital by emerging companies. He says that a circular informing investors of the cryptobond offering was distributed on 1 June, 2015.

Finra Launches Ad Campaign For BrokerCheck

finra brokercheck update profiles this week’s MadMen style-campaign by Finra in their effort to encourage investors to use Finra’s BrokerCheck platform in advance of engaging a particular registered broker-dealer. Below is the excerpt from

Finra launched an advertising campaign on Monday to encourage investors to research their brokers before hiring them, but some industry observers said Finra’s database doesn’t provide enough information. provides a global database of broker-dealers registered in the US as well as those performing brokerdealer services in upwards of 30 major countries throughout the world.

The digital, print and television ads promote BrokerCheck, an online database managed by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. The database provides employment and disciplinary history about brokers, as well as their certifications and licenses.

The ads are hitting the airwaves just days after Finra submitted a rule to the Securities and Exchange Commission for final approval that would require brokers to include a link to BrokerCheck on their websites and brokers’ profile pages.

A print ad will run in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal. Digital ads will appear on financial-news websites as well as search engines.

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